
About Me

Hey y'all! Welcome! My name is Betsy and I'm just a Southern gal who lives to create. My style philosophy is simple...surround yourself with what you love. Period. If you don't love it, rework it until you do! I love rustic pieces, coastal decor, and I'll paint or re-purpose anything to make it fit in.

Along the way, doing this thing called life, I've acquired a few sidekicks: a husband of twenty nine years with whom I have two (now grown and out of the house) daughters, along with various critters, while currently we serve as the staff to four very spoiled kitties who allow one dog, and a snake to share the space with us. Guess this means I should have grown up by now? Well, I can honestly say I really never feel my age unless there has been a project that requires me to sit on the floor for hours. I'd still rather play than work, rather think than sleep, and definitely rather create than eat. The beach is my happy place. Late afternoons are made for cocktails. Life is too short to be taken seriously all the time. Maybe one day I will grow up. Until then...I'd love to have you come along on that journey via "Twice Loved Treasures" the blog.'s and in technicolor during one of my pre-ink days. (Been working on a full sleeve for a little over a year now.) I call this my philosophical look, contemplating how to solve the troubles of the world. Shoot! Who am I kidding? I was having a FANTASTIC hair day here and want y'all to see it! Seriously. Life is not meant to include cheap wine, weak coffee, or bad hair!