
Monday, September 27, 2010

Footsteps of Fall

Today's "how-to" is a super easy that is changable with each season so you'll be sure to get more mileage out of your footwear. (Okay, pun is intended....just couldn't help myself.) For this project, simply fill a pair of boots with play sand and insert leaves and flowers, etc., appropriate to the season. (For winter they'll hold evergreen limbs and holly berries.) Then set them on a stool by the front door and enjoy. No stool? No problem. Just set them on the floor of your porch. Do you have stairs leading up to the front porch/door? Put them on the steps. Just do whatever works best for your house. Oh, and did I mention how super easy this is? It actually took way longer to purchase the play sand and get it home than it did to put this project together. The other elements in this project all came from yard sales, making this as frugal as it is easy and cute. So next time you're out and about yard saling, or thrift shopping, keep your eyes open for boots...and when find a cute pair, think outside the box...

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