
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Easy Breezy Letter Placement

Stenciling a large treasure can prove to be daunting.
Like who wants to guess at the exact placement of a word?
Well, just hold on to your stencil's the world's easiest way to place those letters!
(1)Choose a victim.
In this case it's an unsafe but funky ironing board.

(2)Choose your font and word.
For this project I used "Welcome" in "Daisy Regular"
making sure each letter was approximately the same height (8.84").
After cutting the letters out with my Silhouette Cameo on card stock I saved the actual letters.

***Note: if you do not have a cutting machine, no worries. Using Word you can print your letters
out on cardstock, then cut them out with an X-acto knife.***
(3)Using your saved letters, gently place those on your victim
with a little bit of painters tape on the back to hold them in place.

(4)Once you are happy with the placement, put the stencil around the letter.
Cut your stencil down as necessary.

(5)Then remove the letter.

(6)Once all the stencils are placed and the letters are removed it's time to paint!
You'll notice I left the ironing board vertical and taped the stencils together,
with the top one being secured to the board.
By not securing each stencil it will require the edges of the stencils to be held down by hand
but this is not difficult to do since they are large.
Use a dry brush technique and take your time.
Not only will the dry bush technique minimize the chances of bleeding under along your stencil,
it with leave your card stock stencil useful again.

And here she is drying.
Going to let her sit overnight before waxing the top and securing the legs.
Will post a follow-up when she's all finished!

And here she is now:

This particular ironing board does not have a locking mechanism for the legs.
Several times during her make-over she actually fell. Yikes!
In order to keep others safe the legs are permanently attached to the board.
Always keep in mind, y' first!

Happy Treasure Hunting, Y'all ~Betsy

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